César Castellanos is a Christian pastor from Bogotá, Colombia and the founder of the International Charismatic Mission Church. Castellanos is noted as the leading proponent of the G12 Vision, which is based upon the mentoring of 12 disciples.He believes the number 12 to be the number by which God will work within the church. He has stated that he was inspired to create the discipleship program after claiming he had received a vision from God in 1983.[1]
He began his church with only eight people in the living room of his house and six months later there were six hundred members. He eventually made use of auditoriums and stadiums in different cities to hold services of the International Charismatic Mission Church.The G12 Movement which is akin to the Shepherding Movement of earlier years has spread throughout the world ,with Castellanos at the head of the pyramid,with his 12 "apostles" all recognized by the ring he has given them.It is similar in style to the Catholic hierarchic system ,with Castellanos as "Pope".It has been stated, by those who see G12 as a cult, that Pastor Castellanos heads an organization that demands absolute obedience from those involved and questioning of those who have climbed "The Ladder of Success" moving up the four stages of "win",consolidate","disciple" and "send" is forbidden and seen as an act of rebellion and a sin.
Castellanos is the author of several books, self-published through his own G12 imprint, including Dream and You Will Win the World, Leadership of Success Through the Twelve, The Revelation of the Cross, and Touching the Father's Heart.